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音响在会议室的运用 会议室音响怎么用。音响系统对于会议室场所来说,就像是对于人体的心脏。然而在一些对于音质要求比较高的会议场所来说,美国JBL音响的运用就相当广泛。北京德合艺通科技音视频提供音视频一站式服务,汇聚全球公司音响,接下来就给大家分享一下闯叠尝音响在会议室的运用。
How to use the sound system in a conference room. For conference rooms, sound systems are like the heart of the human body. However, in some conference venues with high requirements for sound quality, the use of JBL sound in the United States is quite extensive. Beijing Dehe Yitong Technology Audio and Video provides a one-stop service for audio and video, bringing together global brand audio. Next, I will share with you the application of JBL audio in conference rooms.
音响在会议室的运用 会议室音响怎么用。项目概述:本会议室面积约400㎡,主要用于满足日常会议、报告演示、商务会议、远程视频会议等。要求考虑系统的科学性,设备性、实用性、可靠性,要求扩声系统达到一级标准。设计公司:北京德合艺通科技有限公司。
How to use the sound system in a conference room. Project Overview: This conference room covers an area of approximately 400 square meters and is mainly used for daily meetings, presentation presentations, business meetings, remote video conferences, etc. It is required to consider the scientificity of the system, the progressiveness, practicability and reliability of the equipment, and the sound reinforcement system shall meet the national first-class standard. Design company: Beijing Dehe Yitong Technology Co., Ltd.
音响在会议室的运用 会议室音响怎么用。JBL音响设备选型:由于该会议室是以会议、报告为主,语言清晰度和声音还原解析力要求很高,因此在本会议室中,选择JBL音响作为系统的主扩声音响。突破传统高频驱动单元采用方波引导扬声器单元,一般的矩形扬声器呈钻石型辐射声音。使用此类扬声器时会出现干扰,频率改变以及相位抵消。
How to use the sound system in a conference room. JBL audio equipment selection: As the conference room is mainly focused on meetings and reports, with high requirements for language clarity and sound reproduction and resolution, JBL audio is chosen as the main sound reinforcement system in this conference room. Breaking through the traditional high-frequency driving unit, square wave guided speaker units are used, and general rectangular speakers radiate sound in a diamond shape. When using such speakers, interference, frequency changes, and phase cancellation may occur.
音响在会议室的运用 会议室音响怎么用。为避免上述情况发生,本系统采用的扬声器呈环形辐射,可以在更小的间隔内辐射声波以及可以在较宽的频率范围内平滑分配声压,增强清晰度,JBL公司音响特别适合该会议室这样的场所,系统中超低、反听、辅助等音响同样采用了进口JBL公司音响产物。
How to use the sound system in a conference room. To avoid the above situation, the speakers used in this system emit sound waves in a circular shape, which can radiate sound waves at smaller intervals and smoothly distribute sound pressure over a wide frequency range, enhancing clarity. JBL brand audio is particularly suitable for places like this conference room. The system also uses imported JBL brand audio products for ultra-low, reverse hearing, auxiliary and other audio systems.
音响在会议室的运用 会议室音响怎么用。系统特点:该会议室音响系统具有音频信号放大和处理功能,能够达到扩散性良好、声场分布均匀、响度合适、自然度好,能够提供清晰的自然语音扩声,满足日常使用需求。
How to use the sound system in a conference room. System features: The conference room audio system has audio signal amplification and processing functions, which can achieve good diffusion, uniform sound field distribution, appropriate loudness, and good naturalness. It can provide clear natural speech amplification to meet daily use needs.

地址: 山东省济南市历下区崇华路金星龙盛大厦405




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